Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Do You Make Your Own Slime?

We had our second meeting of 2011 on the 26th of January and we learnt how to make slime from everyday materials such as glue, water, and food colouring! Except for one or two ingredients of course. We were given permission to conduct this experiment under the guidance of the lab assistant and our teacher advisor, Pn.Chuah. Here's a list of the items needed to make your very own slime.
  1. Boric Acid or also known as Borax powder.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Food colouring of any choice.
  4. Distilled water.
  5. 2 beakers of 250ml and a 500ml beaker.
  6. Bunsen burner
  7. Wire gauze along with a tripod stand.
  8. Dropper
  9. Stirrer
  10. Spatula
Ingredients needed for the experiement.

Directions on making your very own slime can be followed by watching the video below. It's a compilation of the experiment done by the club.

*For further reference on how to make slime, you can watch another video by clicking the link below.*

Right now, we'll let the pictures do the talking.

The club's President giving a brief idea of what the members were going to do.

Directors of the Board discussing the procedure for the experiment.

Pn.Chuah helping out members with the experiment.

Looks like the members are having a good time making slime.

Club President in action demonstrating the next step of the experiment to the members.

Our beloved teacher advisor willing to get her hands dirty and joining in the fun as well.

Slime in production. That particular product looks freakishly too real!

That's slime indeed!

Members and Directors showcasing their end products.

Board of Directors.

Group shot.

Science And Maths Club.

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